    2019Huang Y.-T.; Shih, S.-M.; Tseng, S. S., Enhancing students’ critical literacy through social annotations, The effects of social annotation on critical literacy remain controversial, and little research has explained why some students can benefit from social annotation in critical literacy, and some cannot. This chapter investigates the effects of social annotation on critical literacy and the interactive patterns of social annotations. The participants were 45 English as Foreign Language college students of low to intermediate reading proficiency level in Taiwan. The collected data included (a) students’ responses to reading comprehension tests and (b) students’ social annotations on selected reading texts. We evaluated critical literacy in terms of three skills: identifying main ideas of text information, evaluating the accuracy of text information, and synthesizing text information through Analysis of Variance. The results showed that social annotation facilitates the development of critical literacy in identifying main ideas and evaluating text information, but not in synthesizing text information, because the information retrieved from social annotations is often scattered. The interactive patterns of the social annotations were categorized into the discussions of (a) the meaning of vocabulary or phrases, (b) the use of vocabulary, (c) the detailed text information, (d) the grammatical structures, and (e) the main idea of paragraphs. Pedagogical implications are drawn from the five interactive patterns of social annotations., Springer
    2019Hui-Ling Wendy Pan; Fong-Yee Nyeu, Changing Practices of School Leadership in Taiwan: Evolving Education Reforms, This book casts a refreshingly new light on current literature on school leadership, which has predominantly been viewed through Western lenses. Accordingly, key concepts and theories on leadership and school leadership have primarily been generated from thinking and research in the Western sphere. This is problematic, considering the fact that the leadership concept or construct, and its practices, are significantly influenced and shaped by contexts, and even situations. However, there are various contextual conditions and forces that can separately or collectively affect how school leadership is understood and practiced, including social, cultural, historical, geographical, economic and political conditions., Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
    2019邱惟真, 生命實驗室(用不同眼光看世界的練習), , 衛生福利部
    2019邱惟真, 看看電影、說說自己(同理心訓練), 提供從事兒童及少年性剝削防制工作者,有關行為人輔導之教材。, 衛生福利部
    2017紀舜傑, 政治議題之未來分析, , 淡江大學未來學研究所
    2016潘慧玲, 十二年國民基本教育普通高中課程規劃及行政準備手冊, 本書《十二年國民基本教育普通高中課程規劃及行政準備》以協助十二年國教普通高中課綱之推動,從學校端的角度分別從課程理念篇、課程發展篇及課務運作篇中,闡述課綱設計的理念與以素養為導向發展的重點,並導引學校進行課程規劃及課務運作等層面的準備,也提供相關的案例與建議,以協助普通型高中學校因應十二年國民基本教育課程綱要之實施。, 國家教育研究院
    2008潘慧玲; 楊錦心; 高新建; 郭昭佑; 黃馨慧; 江惠真, 高職及綜合高中學校本位課程評鑑指標之建構, 課程評鑑不只是課程學者關切的研究領域,更是各級學校課程改革實施之樞紐,關係課改的成敗至巨。本書內容包含有理念和方法的分析、反省,其中重新檢討泰勒課程評鑑理念,討論較受忽視的利害關係人評鑑及實用導向評鑑,對於課程評鑑的利用與類推,亦提出了新的觀點。本書尚包含課程評鑑在教育實務上的運用,從小學到大學、從學校到地方層級,都有實例的研究和專論。, 五南圖書出版
    2008潘慧玲; 張德銳; 張新仁, 臺灣中小學教師評鑑/專業標準之建構:成果篇, 本書集結不同大學學者以群策群力方式完成,是一本具有國際視野,又具有本土關懷的書籍。書中先鋪陳教師評鑑的理論與研究基礎,進而探討美國、英國、澳洲、日本及臺灣的教師評鑑方案,最後則呈現本土建構的中小學教師評鑑/專業標準,對於國內教師評鑑的實施與教師專業的提升有其重要貢獻。, 國立臺灣師範大學教育評鑑與發展研究中心
    2006潘慧玲, 追求美善的教育,「一週教育論壇系列叢書」之五, 《追求美善的教育》為《一週教育論壇系列叢書》之五,該系列叢書集結了國立台灣師範大學教育政策與行政研究所暨教育系潘慧玲教授二00二年至今主持教育廣播電台「一週教育論壇」節目之內容。它匯集了具有教育專業多元背景之專家學者及實務工作者的思想菁華,呈現了相互激盪下理論與實踐的辯證對話。   本書之出版乃著眼於國內性別與原住民教育的相關政策與實施有其缺漏之處,以及過去正式課程中有一些較不被重視但隨著社會變遷卻愈趨重要之教育議題,值得加以關切,並作深入之討論。在本書中,首先探討性別教育重要改革之工作方向,以及性別平等教育之教學、教材、課程與師資,並以多元文化之觀點,檢視當前的原住民教育政策,提出紐西蘭的原住民政策以供借鏡。另則針對美感、音樂、媒體、網路、環境、生命、人權及法治等議題,透過與專家學者的對話檢視與省思我國當今教育哲學脈絡與課程內容之規劃與建構是否過於偏狹或有所闕漏,俾使我國教育與課程之內涵能更為豐富與良善。望本書之付梓能具拋磚引玉之效,引發讀者大眾對於重要議題之關心,並豐碩讀者大眾對於生命意涵之感知。, 心理
    2003潘慧玲, 緒論:轉變中的教育研究觀點, , 高等教育出版公司
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    更新日期 : 2023/12/14