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    2021Dian-Fu Chang; Wen-Ching Chou, Detecting the Institutional Mediation of Push–Pull Factors on International Students’ Satisfaction during the COVID-19 Pandemic, , Sustainability 13(20), 11405, , pp
    2021Dian-Fu Chang; Tsung-Chieh Lu, Detecting the Issues of Aging Society Based on the Trend of Dependency and Support Population, , ICIC Express Letters Part B: Applications 12(12), pp.1145-1153, , pp
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    2020Fan Xia1; Dian-Fu Chang, Forecasting Student Mobility Flows in Higher Education: A Case Study in China, , ICIC Express Letters Part B: Applications 12(6), p.525-532, , pp
    2020Chang, Dian-Fu; Chang, Angel, Detecting the Impacts of Newborn Babies and its Effect on Elementary School Enrollment, , ICIC Express Letters Part B: Applications 12(6), p.499-506, , pp
    2017吳清基, 工業4.0對高教人才培育政策之挑戰, , 通識在線 76,頁14-15, , pp
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