    2006朱惠芳; Ju, Huey-fang, 小學輔導實習教師專業成長方案—自然與生活科技領域, , 中華民國第二十二屆科學教育學術研討會論文集,臺北市, , -
    2006朱惠芳; Ju, Huey-fang, 台北縣環境教育輔導團發展歷程探討, , 2007海峽兩岸環境與可持續發展教育研討會論文集,北京, , -
    2005朱惠芳; Ju, Huey-fang, Developing The Integrated Curriculum from Map Coloring to Graph Theory, , Conference on Research and Practices in Science Education (CRPSE 2005), HongKong, , -
    2003王文秀; 李婉鈺; 朱惠芳;Ju, Huey-fang, 「筆」下舞台教學模組之研究發展, , 2003年中華民國環境教育學術研討會論文集,花蓮, , -
    2003朱惠芳; Ju, Huey-fang, 「生物的多樣性」昆蟲教學模組觀察分析, , 2003年中華民國環境教育學術研討會論文集,花蓮, , -
    2000朱惠芳; Ju, Huey-fang, The Study of A New Curriculum at A New Elementary School, , 八十九學年度師範學院教育學術論文集, , -
    2000Lee, Shih-chung; 朱惠芳;Ju, Huey-fang, Evaluation and design of the user interface for Quick-time VR image-based environment, , Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Denver, Colorado, USA, , -
    1999朱惠芳; Ju, Huey-fang, The action research of STS / constructivist instruction in elementary sciencee classes, , Second international conference on science, mathematics, and technology education, Taipei, Taiwan, , -
    1998朱惠芳; Ju, Huey-fang, How to teach creatively in science classes, , 1999 NARST(national association for research in science teaching)annual meeting, Boston, MA, U. S. A., , -
    1998朱惠芳; 陳錦雪, 國小自然科課程改革與STS教學行動研究, , 國立台東師範學院一九九九行動研究國際學術研討會-中小學組論文集(上冊),頁69-82, , -
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